White Marbles are the metamorphic form of rock.
White Marbles are the metamorphic form of rock. This is the composition of carbonate, minerals, calcite and dolomites. The metamorphic form of limestone is called marble. It has different colours, but white is the most prominent colour. The white colour also different types such as snow white, milky white, cloudy white, etc. White marble tiles are one of the forms of white marble. These are for decoration of home, luxury home designers; architectures etc. These are very affordable and quickly found all over the world. These are a light colour and create peace and prosperity. White marble tiles are very famous because this marble is having soft white colour and grey veining. These tiles are used to make shelves, flooring. The stone expert changes the slabs style. Sometimes it will be retro style and design. White marble tiles are also forming of white marble. These are used in houses, offices, bus stops, restaurant, shopping malls etc. Some of the tiles are beautiful, carving, twi...